Wednesday, August 28, 2024

What Are Good Snacks?

Veggie Kabobs

There are several reasons for snacking. Snacking can be a social event, or help us deal with emotions. If there is a lot of time between meals, snacks help us manage a drop in blood glucose levels. Properly timed, a snack can help curb overeating at the next meal. The right snacks can provide extra nutrients we may need. They can even be part of a weight loss diet.

So what are good snacks? Nutritionists tell us they contain a balance of complex carbohydrates (preferably from whole grains such as oats), healthy fats, and quality protein. Here are the specifics:
  • around 150-200 calories total
  • about 15 grams of complex carbohydrates
  • between 3-5 grams of fiber
  • unsaturated fats making up no more than 10-15% of total calories
  • 10-15 grams high-quality protein

For more information about snacking:

For some suggestions for good snacks:

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