Thursday, September 22, 2022

TIP - Are You Taking Your Medicines As Prescribed?

Did you know that half of all medications are not taken as the doctor prescribes them? That’s dangerous! The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates 125 thousand people die because they are not taking their meds properly each year in the US.

Here are some quick tips to help you stay on track with your meds.

  • Be sure you understand exactly how to take the medicine your doctor is prescribing. Ask questions before you leave the doctor’s office. Take notes if possible. You can also ask for a consultation with the pharmacist when you fill your prescription.

  • Take your medicine at the same time every day. Make it a routine, and it will be harder to forget to take it.

  • Write up or type and print off a schedule of when to take each medicine. Keep the list handy.

  • Use a weekly pill box, or put timer caps on your pill bottles.

For additional ideas from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):

Friday, September 2, 2022

Healthinfo Island Displays and Exhibits for September 2022

You can teleport to any of the eight displays and exhibits using the SLURLs in this blog entry. Click on the poster with the same name as the title of the poster set, and you will get a notecard that contains all the text of the posters plus descriptions of the images.

If you click each poster, you will get a message with additional information and live links.

Central Pavilion of Healthinfo Island
Check out the calming breathing exercise on the back wall!

September is National Guide Dog Month

Constipation: Do’s and Don’ts

Protesting? Do It Safely


Better Driving with Chronic Pain

Resistant Hypertension

Oxalate and Kidney Stones

Foods for Sleep

Thanks to Mook and Anna for assistance with the posters this month.