Wednesday, July 31, 2024

How Did Your State or Country Weigh In 2023?

A 2023 ranking of US states based on three dimensions of overweight and obesity prevalence of children, teens, and adults; health consequences; and food and fitness showed some large differences in populations in different parts of the country.

The #1 most unhealthy state is West Virginia. Here, 41.3% of adults are obese and 32.6% are overweight but not obese. It is also the state with the highest levels of diabetes and high cholesterol. It ties for the state with the 4th highest rate of physically inactive adults.

Some possible reasons for West Virginia’s poor showing on this health rating are that its teens have the highest rate of sugary beverage consumption of any state. Less than half (41%) of families live near a healthy food retailer, making it harder to purchase fresh foods.

To check out how your state rates, see the research report:

By comparison, for information on the prevalence of obesity in European countries:

Obesity and overweight in Asian countries:

Obesity in Africa:

Obesity and overweight in Latin America:

Overweight and obesity in Australia

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