Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Are Mocktails Good for You?

It’s always a good idea to cut down on alcohol consumption, or quit drinking alcohol entirely. As little as one drink a day can increase your risk of developing certain cancers or dying of some types of heart disease.

Many adult social gatherings involve alcohol. If you don’t want to drink, or want to drink less, you may have considered imbibing a mocktail.

What are some of the good points about drinking mocktails?

  • They are hydrating, not dehydrating like their alcoholic cousins. You won’t get hung over.

  • They are less expensive than alcoholic drinks.

  • You can drink mocktails if you’re taking certain medications for which alcohol is contraindicated, or if you are pregnant.

  • You’re still drinking with your buddies, so it doesn’t call attention to your non-alcohol habit.

Are there any reasons not to drink mocktails?

  • Diabetics should be aware of the potentially high sugar content of some mocktails.

  • Grapefruit juice in certain mocktails will cause problems for people taking blood thinners or statins.

  • People in recovery from alcoholism should not drink nonalcoholic beer. Certain brands contain small amounts of alcohol.

And what about all the calories in mocktails? While certain mocktail recipes are high in calories, if you drink sparkling water or club soda which has zero calories, you can add a slice of fruit and still not feel caloric guilt.

Want to learn more about mocktails?

Popular mocktails:

Disney mocktails:

Fruity mocktails:

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