You really are what you eat. This is a good time to think about the foods on your plate and in your refrigerator and pantry. Here are some suggestions for celebrating National Nutrition Month.
Learn how to read Nutrition Facts labels. Check out foods before you buy them to see how healthy (or unhealthy) they are.
Include new healthful foods in your meal plans. Check out this “If you like this…, try this…” list of new fruits and vegetables. Make a grocery list that includes the new items you wish to try.
What is your cultural heritage? What foods from that heritage are the most healthful?
Donate healthy nonperishable foods to your local food bank.
Download and read fact sheets, such as these:
Learn about Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and what they can do for you. Consider asking your doctor for a referral to a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). Many insurance plans will pay for you to receive personalized nutrition information related to your disability and your healthy eating goals.
Share healthy recipes on social media this month. Try new healthy recipes you find on blogs or other sites.
Follow some tips for eating healthy on a budget.
Learn more about National Nutrition Month at this website created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:
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