Tuesday, November 23, 2021

SAVE THE DATE - Meng Ee Wong presents on November 26

Virtual Ability® presents the 10th annual
International Disability
Rights Affirmation Conference
Friday, November 26, 2021

Man with short dark hair wearing a gray shirt
Dr. Meng Ee Wong

Dr. Meng Ee Wong is Associate Professor at the Psychology and Child & Human Development academic group at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He researches and teaches in areas of special and inclusive education, assistive technology, disability studies and teacher education. He co-edited the book Special Needs in Singapore: Trends and Issues, published in 2021.

The title of Dr. Wong’s presentation is “Exploring impact of meritocracy in Singapore. Implications for Persons with Disabilities.” Meritocracy, which values high levels of skill and education, is a key driving principle in Singapore’s governance and educational system. Despite the inherent contradictions such as the tension between egalitarian and elitist strands, meritocracy is firmly embraced in Singaporean culture. A major concern is how persons with disabilities will feature in an already entrenched meritocratic system given the challenges they confront with access, resources, and attitudes concerning disability.

Dr. Wong will present at 5:30pm Pacific Standard Time on Friday, November 26. His presentation will be held in Virtual Ability’s Sojourner Auditorium in Second Life. Dr. Wong will be introduced by Wanhing13. Dr. Wong’s session is the conclusion of Virtual Ability’s 2021 International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference.

Please join us in Second Life, or view the conference on Virtual Ability’s YouTube channel live stream, as we learn more about this form of ableism that impacts the daily lives of persons with disabilities, not just in Singapore, but worldwide.

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