Friday, November 19, 2021

Save The Date: IDRAC 2021 - November 26, 2021

Virtual Ability® presents the 10th annual
International Disability
Rights Affirmation Conference

Friday, November 26, 2021

Picture of Shane Neilson wearing a dark gray suit, white shirt, and dark tie

Dr. Shane Neilson is a disabled and autistic poet, physician and critic attached to the Waterloo Regional Campus of McMaster University. He has published numerous books of poetry, memoir, and criticism, and is the recipient of several prestigious awards. He finds himself often asking the question, “Why does medicine misunderstand almost everything about me?” This is the title of his presentation at the International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference (IDRAC).

This annual conference is held in Virtual Ability’s Sojourner Auditorium in Second Life. Dr. Neilson’s presentation will begin at 7am Pacific Standard Time on Friday, November 26. Dr. Neilson will be introduced by Lissena (Wisdomseeker).

Dr. Neilson’s talk will show why healthcare workers may misunderstand the ill, sick, neurodivergent, and disabled people because of the philosophical tradition that they practice in. Anyone who is chronically ill, sick, neurodivergent, and/or disabled knows that medical systems are not well-suited to their needs because those systems are oriented toward acute and rectifiable conditions. Modern medicine shows a systemic preference for intervention and fixing.

The theme of this year’s IDRAC conference is “Ableism: Where Are We Now?” Please join us in Second Life, or view the conference on Virtual Ability’s YouTube channel live stream, as we learn more about this form of ableism that impacts the daily lives of healthcare workers with disabilities.

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