Theme: “Our Youth, Our Elders”
Date: Friday May 17, 2024
Location: Sojourner Auditorium, Virtual Ability Island In Second Life
The 13th annual Mental Health Symposium will take place in Virtual Ability’s Sojourner Auditorium, on Virtual Ability Island in Second Life on Friday, May 17, 2024. There is no charge to attend. The theme of this year’s Conference is “Our Youth, Our Elders.” Children and the elderly face unique mental health challenges that are not well understood and often not adequately addressed. Our eight presenters will share information from a variety of perspectives related to the conference theme.
The Symposium will take place in the virtual world of Second Life, at the Sojourner Auditorium on Virtual Ability island. (You can create a free Second Life account through Virtual Ability’s Sign-Up Portal, entering at the beginning of our New Resident Orientation Course. You can then post the auditorium’s SLURL into Nearby Chat, click the green underlined link, and teleport to the auditorium.) Virtual Ability hosts this annual Symposium to share information about mental health and mental disabilities with the general population. Within our cross-disability community we have members who deal with a variety of mental health issues.
Not only is this an opportunity for our community members to learn more about topics related to mental health from experts they probably would not have a chance to meet otherwise, it allows the general public to attend a professional conference at no cost.
We encourage you to attend live in Second Life, so you can interact with our presenters. However, if you would prefer, you can watch the sessions on Virtual Ability’s YouTube channel. The sessions will be archived in both text and video format on Virtual Ability’s website shortly after the conference. All conference times are in Pacific Daylight time (also known as SLT). Please check the conference webpage for updates as we get closer to May 17. We hope to see you at the conference!