Tuesday, October 29, 2019

IDRAC 2019: November 2 @ 9 am SLT, Which factors influence access to assistive products for people with intellectual disabilities?

Dr. Fleur Heleen

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has launched a programme called Global Cooperation on Assistive Technology (GATE), to improve access to high quality, affordable assistive products for all people in need, globally. A specific group of people who could benefit from assistive products are people with intellectual disabilities. However, people with intellectual disabilities use fewer assistive products as compared with other persons in need. Access and use of assistive products for this group is a neglected area in research and practice; it is currently unknown how many people with intellectual disabilities globally have access to appropriate assistive products and which factors influence their access.

Dr. Fleur Heleen Boot will discuss her research in this area at 9 am SLT (Pacific time) on Saturday, Nov. 2. She is an Intellectual Disability Physician and a Researcher from The Netherlands. Her research projects have a focus on improving access to healthcare and assistive products (technology) for people with intellectual disabilities in differently resourced settings. Countries she has worked in include India, South Africa, Ireland, The Netherlands, and Chile. Her specific interests are Intellectual Disability, Global Health, Health Inequity, Access to Healthcare, Assistive Technology, and Inclusion.

This event will be live-streamed via Virtual Ability Inc.'s YouTube channel:

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