How can the Cochrane Library help you make more informed healthcare decisions?
We all have to make decisions about healthcare at times. Should I try this treatment or that one? Is this drug better for my condition, or does it cause unpleasant side effects? What is the evidence that this is the best treatment choice for me? It’s important to review research results, but first you have to find them. Then you have to wade through all the technical language these peer reviewed papers are written in. And of course there are usually several published papers from different researchers on any topic, and they don’t always agree. You will need help to interpret all this information.
The Cochrane Library comes to the rescue! They are an international network of independent volunteers who collect and summarize research evidence, producing reliable evidence-based information related to a specific question. These comprehensive reviews are written in plain language, and published online at the Cochrane Library. (LINK: http://www.cochranelibrary.com/)
Interested in evidence-based answers to questions such as the following?
- What are the effects of personalized care planning for adults with long-term health conditions?
- How does virtual reality compare with conventional therapy during stroke rehabilitation?
- What are the effects of antioxidant multivitamin and mineral supplements in people with age-related macular degeneration?
- What are the effects of gabapentin in adults with chronic neuropathic pain?
- In people with fibromyalgia, how do psychological therapies affect outcomes?
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