Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Mental Health Symposium 2023 Schedule of Events

Virtual Ability Presents
the 12th Annual Mental Health Symposium
“Self-Identity and Mental Health”
Friday, May 12, 2023
Sojourner Auditorium,
Virtual Ability Island
In Second Life


Mental Health Symposium 2023 Schedule of Events

All times are in SLT/PDT.

Start Time: 7:00 am
Presenter: Dr. Joanna Fox

Institution: Anglia Ruskin University

Presenter Biography: Dr Joanna Fox is a social work academic and expert-by-experience. She is Associate Professor in Mental Health Recovery at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, England. Joanna uses her own experiences of recovery in mental health to both teach social work students and development the involvement of people with lived experience in all forms of mental health research and services.

Title of Talk: Mental Ill-health and the Recovery Process

Abstract: Dr. Joanna Fox uses her personal story of the development of mental illness and treatment thereof to illustrate important aspects of the journey to recovery. She discusses the importance of shared decision-making during the treatment and recovery processes, and the facilitators and barriers that occur during recovery.

Start Time: 8:00 am
Presenter: Yasuhiro Kotera

Institution: University of Nottingham

Presenter Biography: Dr. Yasuhiro Kotera is an Associate Professor in Mental Health at the University of Nottingham, and Accredited Psychotherapist. His research focus is about mental health across cultures, especially the differences or similarities in the way we feel well across cultures. He balances work and family as a father of triplets+1.

Title of Talk: Cultures and how we feel well: Making a global map of mental health personal recovery

Abstract: Mental health is important to many people in many countries, and it is not just about feeling less bad (i.e., less stressed, depressed, or anxious). We also want to feel well. The way we feel well is different by cultures. In this talk, he will show you some of his research findings and current research projects about mental health and cross-culture. He would like to also think about mental health cross-culturally with the audience, and offer some practical tips for feeling well.

More tomorrow!

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